Rachel A. Katz, Ph.D.
Quantitative Ecologist and Decision Analyst

Publications, Reports, and Protocols (by year)
In review or in prep________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
R. Katz et al. In prep. Challenges facing the application of decision science to conservation problems: a community of practice perspective [link TBD]
R. Katz et al. In prep. Hypothesized drivers of reduced productivity to inform management and monitoring of a threatened shorebird [link TBD]
Bush N., and R. Katz. In prep. Assessing the utility of remote sensing data and machine learning models to monitor salt marsh management objectives for North Atlantic-Appalachian Region National Wildlife Refuges. To be submitted to Wetlands or Remote Sensing. [link TBD]
Katz R., P. Hess, L. Ziemba. In prep. Evidence of Decline in Cerulean Warbler Occurrence and Abundance on Iroquois and Montezuma National Wildlife Refuges Across Two Decades. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Report, X pg. [link TBD]
Casey J., R. Katz, and M. Mills. In prep. Freshwater Impoundment Assessment for Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge, Appendix X: Moosehorn NWR Habitat Management Plan. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Report, X pg. [link TBD]
Roy, A.H., E. Bjerre, J. Cummings, K. Kalasz, J. Carmignani, P. Hazelton, M. Kern, D. Perkins, L. Saucier, A. Skorupa, R. Katz, and C. C. Coghlan. 2022. Brook Floater Restoration: Identifying Locations to Reintroduce or Augment Populations with Propagated Mussels. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Cooperator Science Series FWS/CSS-141-2022, Washington, D. C., 18 pg. [link]
American Oystercatcher Working Group. 2022. Pilot Protocol Framework for Monitoring Atlantic and Gulf Coast Breeding American Oystercatchers (Haematopus palliatus palliates) (Version 0.1) [link]
Katz R., T. LaPointe, N. Bush, K. Holcomb. 2021. Forest and Shrubland Population Assessment Using Forest Inventory and Sewall Data at Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Report, 23 pg. [link]
Bush N., R. Katz, L. Eaton, K. Vagos, L. Mowbray, and K. Sturm. 2021. Regional Protocol Framework for the Inventory Invasive Plants. Version 1.0. Department of Interior North Atlantic-Appalachian Region, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Wildlife Refuge System, Hadley, MA. [link]
Katz R., R. Niver, N. Rayman-Metcalf, and L. Erb. 2021. Current Condition Resiliency Assessment for the Northern Population of the Bog Turtle (Clemmys [=Glyptemys] muhlenbergii). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Report, 43 pg. [link]
Bernard R.F., J.D. Reichard, J.T.H. Coleman, J.C. Blackwood, M.L. Verant, J.L. Segers, J.M. Lorch, J.P. White, M.S. Moore, A.L. Russell, R.A. Katz, D.L. Lindner, R.S. Toomey, G.G. Turner, W.F. Frick, M.J. Vonhof, C.K.R. Willis, E.H. Campbell Grant. 2020. Identifying research needs to inform white-nose syndrome management decisions. Conservation Science and Practice, 2020; e220. [link]
Katz R., and E. King. 2020. 2019 Regional Annual Report: Regional Protocol for the Inventory and Monitoring of Atlantic Coast Piping Plovers. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Report, 25 pg. [link]
Pau N., C. Buelow, S. Adamowicz, B. Benvenuti, M. Hartley, R. Hopping, P. Huckery, P. Phippen, A. Vitz, G. Wilson, C. Frost, K. Alger, E. Rivenbark, R. Katz, and C. Coghlan. 2020. Great Marsh and Salt Marsh Sparrow Restoration: A Structured Decision Making Workshop Case Study. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Report, 15 pg. [link]
Morelli T., J. Hoffman, K. O’Donnell, K. Fitzgerald, B. McCann, S. Jackson, C. Balantic, K. Bentsen, J. Blatt, T. Dexter, A. Kautza, B. Kelder, B. O’Connor, R. Quinones, T. Richards, E. Rodgers, R. Zimmerer, R. Katz, and C. Coghlan. 2020. Preliminary Development of Water-Withdrawal Mitigation Framework for Coldwater Resources Conservation: A Structured Decision Making Workshop Case Study. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Report, 25 pg. [link]
Sterrett S., R. Katz, A. Brand, W. Fields, A. Dietrich, D. Hocking, T. Foreman, A. Wiewel, E.H. Campbell Grant. 2019. Poactive management of amphibians: Challenges and Opportunities. Biological Conservation, 236: 404-410. [link]
Smalling K.L., C.A. Eagles-Smith , R.A. Katz, E.H. Campbell Grant. 2019. Managing the trifecta of disease, climate, and contaminants: Searching for robust choices under multiple sources of uncertainty. Biological Conservation, 236: 153-161. [link]
Ingram T., S. Sammons, A. Kaeser, R. Katz, S Sterrett. 2019. Spatial Ecology Shoal Bass Micropterus cataractae in Ichawaynochaway Creek, Georgia in Managing Centrarchid Fisheries in Rivers and Streams. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. M.J. Siepker & J. W. Quinn, editors. Pg.193-211. [link]
Sterrett S.C., R.A. Katz, W.R. Fields, and E.H. Campbell Grant. 2019. The contribution of road-based citizen science to the conservation of pond-breeding amphibians. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56(4): 988-995. [link]
Katz R., and V. Rettig. 2019. Decision Scoping for Beach Management to Benefit Beach Nesting Shorebirds. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Report, 7 pg. [link]
Katz R. and S. Sterrett. 2019. How a decision-analysis tool helped one scientist couple make some tough career choices. Nature Careers. 5 July 2019. [link]
King E., R. Katz, K.E. Iaquinto, K. Suir, M.J. Baldwin, A. Hecht. 2019. Regional Protocol Framework for the Inventory and Monitoring of Piping Plover Atlantic Coast Breeding Populations. Version 1.0. US Fish and Wildlife Service Northeast Regional Office, Hadley, MA. [link]
Katz R., *A. Brand, N. Bush ,C. Davis, L. Eaton, J. Flemming, S. Flint, E. Grant, J. Horan, E. King, S. Koch, K. Lantz, R. Longenecker, B. Mosher, A. Rizzo, D. Washington, T. Wilson, D. Zimmerman (*listed alphabetically). 2019. Challenges and Opportunities for Vernal Pool Management in Northeastern National Wildlife Refuges. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Report, 39 pg. [link]
Longenecker R., M. Mallek, L. Eaton, R. Jean, L. Richardson, and R. Katz. 2018. Northeast Region Survey Instructions for Bumble Bee Inventory, Version 1.0. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Report, 95 pg. [link]
Stantial M., R. Katz, J. Cohen, *K. Amaral, J. Denoncour, A. Hecht, K. Hojnacki, K. Hunt, K. O'Brien, N. Pau, J. Regosin, C. Spiegel, L. Tudor, D. Tyre (*listed alphabetically). 2018. Structured Decision Making for Predator Removal to Benefit Piping Plovers and Other Beach Nesting Birds Least Terns. In Guidance and Best Practices for Coordinated Predation Management to Benefit Temperate Breeding Shorebirds in the Atlantic Flyway. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Report, 32 pg. [link]
Aquatic Connectivity in the Northeast Region: Strategic Plan 2018, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Report, 22 pg. [link]
Adams T., J. Bourne, J. Devers, R. Katz, B. Knudson, R. Longenecker, and S. Spencer (listed alphabetically). 2018. Patuxent Research Refuge road-stream crossing prioritization. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Report, 26 pg. [link]
Campbell Grant EH, E. Muths, R.A. Katz, S. Canessa, M.J. Adams, J.R. Ballard, L. Berger, C.J.Briggs, J. Coleman, M.J. Gray, M.C. Harris, R.N. Harris, B. Hossack, K.P. Huyvaert, J. Kolby,K. Lips, R.E. Lovich, H.I. McCallum, J.R. Mendelson III, P. Nanjappa, D.H. Olson, J.G.Powers, K.L.D. Richgels, R.E. Russell, B.R. Schmidt, A. Spitzen-van der Sluijs, M.K. Watry,D.C. Woodhams, C.L. White. 2017. Using decision analysis to support proactive management of emerging infectious wildlife diseases. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 15(4): 214–221. [link]
Russell R.E., R.A. Katz, K.L.D. Richgels, D.P. Walsh, and E.H. Campbell Grant. 2017. A framework for modeling emerging disease to inform management. Emerging Infectious Diseases 23(1): 1-6. [link]
Althouse M., R. Katz, R. Longnecker, V. Muller, and T. Roster (listed alphabetically). 2017. Freshwater impoundment removal decision analysis, Appendix H: Erie NWR Comprehensive Conservation Plan. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Report, 15 pg. [link]
Crawford B.A., R.A. Katz, S.K. McKay. 2016. Engaging stakeholders in natural resource decision-making. Ecosystem Management and Restoration Research Program Technical Notes Collection. ERDC/TN EMRRP-SR-83. U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, Mississippi. [link]
Harris M.C., J.M. Pearce, D.J. Prosser, C.L. White, A.K. Miles, J.M. Sleeman, C.J. Brand, JP. Cronin, S. De La Cruz, C.L. Densmore, T.W. Doyle, R.J. Dusek, J.P. Fleskes, P.L. Flint, G.F. Guala, J.S. Hall, L.E. Hubbard, R.J. Hunt, H.S. Ip, R.A. Katz, K.W. Laurent, M.P. Miller, M.D. Munn, A.M. Ramey, K.D. Richards, R.E. Russell, J.P. Stokdyk, J.Y. Takekawa, D.P. Walsh. 2016. U.S. Geological Survey Science Strategy for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Wildlife and the Environment (2016-2020): U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2016-1121, 38p. [link]
Katz R.A. and M.C. Freeman. 2015. Evidence of population resistance to extreme low flows in a fluvial–dependent fish species. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72:1-12. [link]
Sterrett S.C., A.J. Kaeser, R.A. Katz, L.L. Smith, J.C. Brock and J.C. Maerz. 2015. Spatial ecology of female Barbour’s map turtles (Graptemyes barbouri) in Ichawaynotchaway Creek, Georgia. Copeia 103(2): 263-271. [link]
Sterrett S.C., A.B. Brand, W.R. Fields, R.A.Katz and E.H. Campbell-Grant. 2015. Plethodon cinereus (Eastern Red-backed Salamander): Movement (Natural History Note). Herpetological Review 46(1): 71.
Sterrett S.C., J.C. Maerz and R.A. Katz. 2015. What can turtles teach us about the theory of ecological stoichiometry? Freshwater Biology 60: 443–455. [link]
Campbell-Grant E.H., R.A. Katz, E. Muths, M.J. Adams, S. Canessa, J.R. Ballard, L. Berger, C.J.Briggs, J. Coleman, M.J. Gray, M.C. Harris, R.N. Harris, B. Hossack, K.P. Huyvaert, J.E. Kolby,K.R. Lips, R.E. Lovich, H.I. McCallum, J.R Mendelson III, P. Nanjappa, D.H. Olson, J.G.Powers, K.L.D. Richgels, R.E. Russell, B.R. Schmidt, A. Spitzen-van der Sluijs, M.K. Watry,D.C. Woodhams, and C.L. White. 2015. Salamander chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans) in the United States—Developing research, monitoring, and management strategies: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2015–1233, 16 p. [link]
Staudinger M., L. Hilberg, M. Janowiak, C. Caldwell, A. D’Amato, E. Grant, R. Horton, R. Katz, C. Neiil, K. Nislow, K. Potter, E. Rowland, C. Swanston, F. Thompson, K. Winiarski. 2015. Scale-Appropriate Adaptation Strategies and Actions in the Northeast and Midwest United States. In (Ed. Staudinger, Morelli, and Bryan), Integrating Climate Change into Northeast and Midwest State Wildlife Action Plans (pp.154-195). DOI Northeast Climate Science Center Report, Amherst, Massachusetts. [link]
Katz R.A., E. Grant, M. Runge, B. Connery, M. Crockett, E. Herland, S. Johnson, D. Kirk, J. Wofford, R. Bennett, K. Nislow, M. Norris, D. Hocking, B. Letcher, and A. Roy. 2014. Making decisions in complex landscapes: Headwater stream management across multiple federal agencies. U.S. Geological Survey and Fish and Wildlife, National Conservation Training Center, Structured Decision Making Workshop Report. [link]
Katz R.A. and S.K. McKay. 2011. Evaluating effects of pump-storage water withdrawals using an individual-based metapopulation model of a benthic fish species. Proceedings of the 2011 Georgia Water Resources Conference. [link]
Sterling J.L, B. Rashleigh, B.L. Nuse, R.A. Katz, A. Trice and A.D. Rosemond. 2009. Using streamflow as a predictor of biotic health in the Upper Oconee Watershed. Proceedings of the 2009 Georgia Water Resources Conference.
Freeman B.J., M.M. Hagler, S.J. Wenger, G.B. Anderson and R.A. Katz. 2007. Identification and Mapping of Critical Habitats in the Conasauga River Corridor of Georgia and Tennessee. Georgia Department of Natural Resources 2006 Annual Report.
Freeman B.J., M.M. Hagler, S.J. Wenger and R.A. Katz. 2007. Identification and Mapping of Critical Habitats in the Etowah River System With an Emphasis on the Distribution of Sensitive Species of Fishes. Georgia Department of Natural Resources 2006 Annual Report.
Freeman B.J., M.M. Hagler, and R.A. Katz. 2007. Results of Reservoir Monitoring Project for the Fall of 2006, Condition 26 and Condition 24. Georgia Department of Natural Resources 2006 Annual Report.
National and regional presentations *only listed as presenter
Katz R.A. Balancing risk and reward in NWRS coastal impoundment management decisions. Symposium: Structured decision making: a vehicle for navigating the crossroads of cultures in wildlife management. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Albuquerque, NM. Invited Contributor. September 2017.
Katz R.A., E.H. Campbell-Grant and K.L. Smalling. Evaluating strategies for disease and environmental contaminant management using structured decision-making. North Atlantic Chapter of the Society of Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry. Amherst, MA. Invited Contributor. June 2016.
Katz R.A, E.H. Campbell-Grant, M.C. Runge. Decision Analytics in Ecology Organized Symposium (Lead). Introduction and Application to Research and Conservation. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Fort Lauderdale, FL. August 2016.
Katz R.A. Conservation in the face of uncertainty using decision analytics. College of the Holy Cross, Biology Departmental Seminar. Worcester, MA. Invited Seminar. March 2016.
Katz R.A. Linking science and management: Challenges and opportunities for the conservation of stream fishes. University of Connecticut, Natural Resources and the Environment. Storrs, CT. Invited Seminar. October 2015.
Katz R.A. and A.H. Roy. Challenges facing conservation decision making in complex landscapes for headwater streams. USGS Massachusetts Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Research Symposium. MA Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, Westborough, MA. May 2015.
Katz R.A., E.H. Campbell-Grant, M.C. Runge, D.J. Hocking, B.H. Letcher and A.H. Roy. Not all scientific uncertainties are created equal for landscape scale headwater stream management. Society for Freshwater Science. Milwaulkee, WI. May 2015.
Katz R.A., E.H. Campbell-Grant, A.H. Roy, D.J. Hocking, B.H. Letcher and M.C. Runge. Evaluating collaborative landscape conservation for headwater stream ecosystems in two northeastern US watersheds. Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Conference. Newport, RI. April 2015.
Katz R.A., E.H. Campbell-Grant, M.C. Runge, B.H. Letcher and A.H. Roy. Making decisions in complex landscapes: headwater stream management across multiple agencies using structured decision making. USGS Northeast Climate Science Center. Amherst, MA. Invited Webinar. November 2014.
Katz R.A. and M.C. Freeman. Survival and temporary movement of turquoise darters (Etheostoma inscriptum) during extremely low flows. American Fisheries Society – Southeastern Division. Nashville, TN. February 2013.
Katz R.A., S.K. McKay and M.C. Freeman. Evaluating effects of pump-storage water withdrawals using an individual-based metapopulation model of a benthic fish species. Proceedings of the 2011 Georgia Water Resources Conference. Athens, GA. April 2011.
Katz R.A., J. Pahl and M.C. Freeman. Effect of low-flows, caused by drought and water withdrawals, on netspinning caddisfly larvae. Joint Meeting of the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography and the North American Benthological Society. Sante Fe, NM. June 2010.
Katz R.A. and M.C. Freeman. Estimating survival and abundance of Etheostoma inscriptum during extremely low flows in a sixth-order river bedrock shoal. American Fisheries Society – Southeastern Division. Asheville, NC. February 2010.
Katz R.A. and M.C. Freeman. Estimating survival of fishes during drought using the Robust Design. Southeastern Fishes Council Annual Conference. Chattanooga, TN. November 2008.
Katz R.A., J. Pahl, and M.C. Freeman. Effects of flow fluctuations caused by withdrawals on a benthic community. Southeastern Environmental Flows Partnership (SEFlows) Conference. Athens, GA. October 2008.